Our institut
In times in which short-term commercial success – often on the backs of the employees – increasingly seems to be the only measure of all things, we have set ourselves the goal of finally bringing lightness, carefreeness and joy of life back into people’s everyday lives ultimately hopefully bringing it into companies.
We offer people both “individual life advice” and “personal development advice”. Based on the knowledge that achieving goals and desired behavior patterns through cognitive implementation is typically quite difficult, we also like to work with hypnosis to help our clients achieve their goals and desires with ease and joy.

However, we focus intensively on alternative counseling methods in order to be able to offer our clients help with the truly difficult topics of “anxiety and panic attacks” as well as “burnout and depression”. In both subject areas we use the modern “Klaus Bernhard method”, which has already helped several thousand clients to lead a worry-free and self-determined life again.
The fact that we can help “covertly” with this method is very much appreciated by our clients because, contrary to conventional methods, they never have to “return” to their often very stressful past. We look forward to your visit in our bright, spacious rooms and will be happy to help you bring more lightness and joy into your life. We know from experience that you may not be able to imagine this at the moment, and perhaps you have already made many other unsuccessful attempts to address “your topic”, … let the results surprise you.

After over 25 years of professional experience, first as an engineer for communications technology and telecommunications and from the turn of the millennium as a successful manager for mostly US companies, I founded “Les Papillons Bleus – the institute for applied psychology and practiced joie de vivre” in 2020. Personally trained by Klaus Bernhardt and with several years of professional experience as a certified coach, hypnocoach (DVH) and alternative practitioner for psychotherapy, we at the institute offer help in our two specialist areas of “anxiety and panic attacks” and “burnout and depression”. Further topics, such as supporting young people and children, are being prepared.

“All mental illnesses probably arise because some parts of the neural circuits in the brain – some neurons and the circuits to which they belong – are overactive, inactive or unable to communicate efficiently.” (Prof. Dr. Eric Kandel)

- Verband Freier Psychotherapeuten, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie und Psychologischer Berater e.V.
- DEMDRG (Deutsche EMDR Gesellschaft)
- Deutscher Verband für Hypnose e.V.
… and we regularly educate ourselves according to the latest knowledge from our associations!